marwian product: Xliquid®

Xliquid® is the tradename of our new biocidal active substance.
It is biologically degradable, not carcinogenic and highly effective against bacteria, fungi, enveloped viruses (i.e. Corona-Virus) and algae. Xliquid® also requires low in-use concentrations.

Xliquid® has an amazing substance profile regarding toxicity and environmental fate properties compared to existing guanidine based biocidal active substances.

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Xliquid®: Our new biocidal active substance

Marwian GmbH developed and manufactures Xliquid® — a polymeric guanidine based biocidal active substance. Xliquid® is highly water soluble and can be used for disinfecting as well as for preservation purposes.

  • Xliquid® is not carcinogenic
  • Xliquid® is not mutagenic
  • Xliquid® is not reprotoxic
  • Xliquid® is not a endocrine disruptor
  • Xliquid® is not flammable
  • Xliquid® is easy to store

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Services by marwian

better biodegradability

Xliquid® is significantly better biodegraded than traditional polymeric guanidindes*. It shows a factor of 50* better biodegradability * OECD 303A compared to CAR* of substance PHMB 1415 4.7)

Xliquid by marwian

High Efficacy

Xliquid® shows high efficacy against the most important pathogens. It is effective against gram positive, gram negative, yeast funghi and enveloped viruses.

the marwian team

Safe Use

Not carcinogenic. Not mutagenic. Not reprotoxic. No endocrine disruptor.
In use concentrations of Xliquid® pose no risk for humans and environment.

Xliquid® offers great efficacy against bacteria, enveloped viruses(i.e. Corona Virus), fungi, yeast and algae. Get your free sample now!

human hygiene/ skin disinfection

Xliquid® is ideal to formulate water-based disinfectants which are skin gentle compared to regular alcohol disinfectants. Xliquid® is not detergent and thus do not remove of the skin lipid layer.

Xliquid® is bactericidal, yeasticidal and is virucidal against enveloped viruses (i.e. Corona Virus).

We conduct EN suspension tests in house within our microbiology lab to formulate and develop new product formulations.

Contact us if you are interested in the development of disinfectant products with Xliquid®. Marwian GmbH accumulated extensive data on efficacy against many pathogen organisms in different quantitative suspension set ups.

Disinfectants not intended for direct application to humans

Xliquid® can be used to formulate surface disinfectants with antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Alone or in combination with other antimicrobials, detergents, sequestrants.

Contact us if you also want to run tests for your development of products with Xliquid® or if you want more information on efficacy of Xliquid® in quantitative suspension tests.

Xliquid® can also be incorporated into different matrices to produce surfaces with antimicrobial properties.

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Incan preservation

Xliquid® can be used for many technical products with very low in use concentrations to preserve end products label free. Xliquid® can also be used with or without other preservatives like isothiazolinones (MIT, BIT etc.) and others. There is a limitation with anionic compartments in the carrier matrix. Possible applications include:

• polymer dispersion • glues (starch and others) • latex • PVOH • pigment dispersions • paper and cardboard

Request free Xliquid® Sample

Process water

Xliquid® can be used to preserve process water in industrial settings. Its stable chemical nature and broad efficacy makes it ideal for long lasting and low level in use concentration for closed water cycles. Residues can be easily removed from surfaces.

Due to its high efficacy against algae, gram positive as well as gram negative bacteria Xliquid® be alternated with other biocides.

Downlaod the information bulletin for Xliquid

Xliquid® under the BPR — Legal status:

We filed a dossier for our new active substance for approval to ECHA in 2021.

Currently the evaluation of the submitted dossier is taking place at the evaluating competent authority (eCA) which in our case is the eCA in Austria*.

*Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology Directorate general V Environment and Circular Economy DI Christian Holzer V5 Chemicals Policy and Biocides Dr. Thomas Jakl